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Works For Loudspeakers is a platform for emerging and established composers working in the field of electro-acoustic music.


01. Manuella Blackburn - HomeTruths [06:57]

02. Esin Gunduz - ma-ham... as lofty as the horizon... [04:40]

03. iubar project - Renewed Communal Hopes [03:27]

04. Misagh Azimi - Beyond [05:37]

05. Nicola Fumo Frattegiani - Luminosità Materica [06:52]

06. Hethre Contant & Jon Panther - Radio as a Space and a Material (again) [03:55]

07. Serkan Sevilgen - Strng-Wnd-2019 [02:18]

08. Maja Polak - Circle [09:14]

09. Nicola Cappelletti - b_k_n() [08:51]

10. Nebula Noise - Downpour [03:13]

11. Anju Singh - Ascension [06:44]

Released: October 15, 2024

Produced by Sonorous Circle

Label: Sonorous Circle

Catalog Ref: WFLS#28

Format: Digital

Aa.Vv., 2023
Institute For Alien Research


Éliane Radigue tribute album



01. Petra Dubach & Mario van Horrik - FB Electric Guitar [04:33]

02. antoni hidalgo - signo 04:33

03. Phil Durrant - déchiquetage infinitésimal [04:33]

04. el_masmore - trilogie de la mort [04:33]

05. Tristan Burfield - Study for music and incense [04:33]

06. MubisMusic - Ça manque de concentration [04:33]

07. Nicola Fumo Frattegiani - Soffio ipostatico [04:33]

08. Algoritmarte - Music for the Pale Blue Dot [04:33]

09. Fiver's Stereo - In Awe of Adnos [04:33]

10. one day in December •▐основа - Ofi path 4 [04:33]

11. KR Seward - Nul Seht [04:33]

12. [A...] SOUNDZ PROJEKT - Adé ira en Ligue#1 [04:33]

13. Costis Drygianakis - Ocean landscape [04:33]

14. Meltwater - Fondre L'eau 04:33 15. cantant - Retour sur l'Île [04:33]

Released: October 22, 2023

Produced by Shaun Robert

Label: Institute For Alien Research

Catalog Ref: IFAR 4’33” 205

Format: Digital

Aa.Vv., 2023
Arte Estranha

A palavra ordem vem se tornando cada vez mais intrigante. Afinal de contas, o que te organiza? Desmontando o fetiche dos extremos (ordem/desordem) e despindo-se da dualidade cartesiana, o que se revela é um modo organização que não se confunde com outra coisa senão com o estranho.


"(...) O que temos é a crise de uma noção central nos dispositivos de legitimação e no imaginário modernos: a noção de ordem. E com ela assistimos à rediscussão da noção de desordem (...)" Wilmar do Valle Barosa.


"A ordem? É tudo o que é repetição, constância, invariância, tudo o que pode ser posto sob a égide de uma relação altamente provável, enquadrado sob a dependência de uma lei.

A desordem? É tudo o que é irregularidade, desvios com relação a uma estrutura dada, acaso, imprevisibilidade. Num universo de pura ordem, não haveria inovação, criação, evolução. Não haveria existência viva nem humana" Edgar Morin.


"Ando muito completo de vazios. Meu órgão de morrer me predomina. Estou sem eternidades. Não posso mais saber quando amanheço ontem. Está rengo de mim o amanhecer. Ouço o tamanho oblíquo de uma folha. Atrás do ocaso fervem os insetos. Enfiei o que pude dentro de um grilo o meu destino. Essas coisas me mudam para cisco. A minha independência tem algemas". Os deslimites da palavra, Manoel de Barros.


As iniciativas do Arte Estranha buscam estimular a criação sonora e integrar artistas de diferentes perfis e projeções em torno de um mesmo eixo temático de trabalho. Assim, acreditamos estimular a produção e difusão musical, bem como fortalecer a diversidade que compõe a cena da música experimental que é feita hoje.


01. Domenico De Simone - Hypnos 07:01]

02. Beta Garcia - Desorder Mind [03:04]

03. Giovanna Lelis Airoldi & Jogus Oliveira - Travessias 1 [07:06]

04. Ricardo Thomasi & Débora Curti - Quedas [08:53]

05. Carolina Bee Araujo - Orquestra de tamborilar miudezas [02:26]

06. Juan Carlos Vasquez - Mono no aware [05:21]

07. K. R. Seward - By Hi [02:01]

08. Danilo Rossetti - Substâncias moldáveis - parte 2 [10:39]

09. Nicola Fumo Frattegiani - Materia Destrutturata [05:48]

Released: May 12, 2023

Organized and produced: Arte Estranha

Masterered: Ricardo Thomasi

Label: Arte Estranha

Format: digital 

Aa.Vv., 2022
tsss tapes


released September 19, 2022



A1    Lorenzo Abattoir – Invertebrato [5:13]

A2    Dominique Vaccaro – Sketch N. 2 [2:15]

A3    Marco Ferrazza – Libro Dei Campanacci [4:58]

A4    Andrea Borghi – TCTC [4:18]

A5    Nicola Fumo Frattegiani – Blocks #1 [3:06]

A6    Gaspare Sammartano – Tuffo Sacrilego [2:37]

B1    Fabio Perletta – Nucleazione IX [4:54]

B2    Angelo Bignamini – Senza Titolo [4:01]

B3    Devid Ciampalini – Eterna 3388 [3:23]

B4    Nàresh Ran – URBEXXX XIII [4:44]

B5    Giovanni Lami – Effimera [5:30]


Released: September 19, 2022

Produced and Mastered by Francesco Covarino 

Label: tsss tapes

Format: brown cassette Cassette + Digital Album (edition of 200)

Aa.Vv., 2022
RMN classical


Contemporary Music – a sub-branch of classical music – is more alive than ever in the new album “In Focus 6” where eight different composers from different backgrounds and countries show us what it is possible to achieve when ingenious ideas meet talented performers.

The eight composers include (in order of track-list) João Pedro Oliveira, Gianluca Deserti, Rei Hamakawa, Nicola Fumo Frattegiani, Ion Marmarinos, Benjamin Montgomery, Philippe Mathis and Petar Jovanov.

While some are professors at prestigious universities, all the composers are establishing themselves in the contemporary scene by winning numerous international competitions and call-for-works.

Here, they are joined by a string of excellent performers including Duo Sigma, Ales Lavrencic, Sebastiano Gubian, Hirofumi Uematsu, Riccardo Catria, Roadrunner Trio, Linda Jenkins, Alexander W. Ravitz, Heeyoung Choi and Shaun Stojkovski.

This eclectic ensemble shows the true potential of contemporary music with nine new tracks written for instruments including piano, cello, flute, clarinet, flugelhorn, voice and electronic. With works that go from solo to duo and trio, passing from the latest modern experimentations to folklore and world music, here is the track-list:

The tracklist includes:

01. Absence-Mémoire - João Pedro Oliveira

02. Ballade - Gianluca Deserti

03. Fantasy on a Theme of Furusato (Hometown) for the Left Hand Alone - Rei Hamakawa

04. Fantasy on a Theme of Happy Birthday To You for the Left Hand Alone - Rei Hamakawa

05. Der hohle Zahn - Nicola Fumo Frattegiani

06. Jeux de Lignes - Ion Marmarinos

07. Like Water - Benjamin Montgomery

08. The Elves, The Lake of Saintirral - Philippe Mathis

09. Voskresenie (Resurrection) - Petar Jovanov

Performed by
(in order of playlist)

01. Duo Sigma

02. Ales Lavrencic, Sebastiano Gubian

03 - 04. Hirofumi Uematsu

05. Riccardo Catria

06. Roadrunner Trio

07. Linda Jenkins, Alexander W. Ravitz, Heeyoung Choi

08. Philippe Mathis

09. Petar Jovanov, Shaun Stojkovski

Released: July 15, 2022

Produced by R. Romano

Label: RMN Classical

Catalog Ref: CLS220501

Format: Digital

Aa.Vv., 2021
Murmure Intemporel Netlabel


This compilation is presented in alphabetical order

[If you like an Artist, don't hesitate to support him by buying lossless audio files on Bandcamp]

Artists involved:

6KLOP (France)










DĒOFOL (Belgium)







FX666 (Austria)






JIHEL (France)





KHΛOMΛИ (France)

L'ARBRE NU (France)

LAUNAY (France)

LEROUGE (France)


LEZET (Serbia)

M.NOMIZED (France)




MEAN FLOW (Greece)


MODO AVION (Germany)

MORUIAL (France)








PSZREN (Poland)





SRVTR (France)


TALES (France)






Released: December 2, 2021

Produced by Murmure Intemporel Netlabel

Mixed/Mastered by Mikolaj Krzaczek (THAMNOS)

Label: Murmure Intemporel Netlabel

Format: Digital

Cover: Mix of Serious Fun (1930) & Gentle Ascent (1934) by Kandinsky

Photos & photo-montage by Ironside

Sleeve design by Graph'Hypnotic

The Eaves
A literary journal that is all ears


“Bodega Bay” is inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s film “The Birds” of 1963. The composition is a sound narration of a journey across the bay where much of the film is set. This journey is to be understood as a psychic, intangible path, an involuntary path of the mind that can determine a dangerous drift. No mimetic representation then. No material simulation. But a tension towards the symbolic abstraction of a possible journey of the human spirit. The wayfarer, closed in his subjectivity, runs through this chimerical and magmatic space without any purpose, enveloped in a hostile and unpredictable nature up to the freedom intended both as an end and as overcoming and resolving.

The composition is divided into four parts:


Part 1 [0:00 to 3:52] arrival at bay

Part 2 [3:52 to 6:19] start of the journey

Part 3 [6:19 to 9:56] across the bay

Part 4 [9:56 to 11:50] freedom

Released: 2021

Produced by The Eaves - A literary journal that is all ears

Label: The Eaves - A literary journal that is all ears

Format: Digital

Aa.Vv., 2020
Ferro White Museo Taller


Este álbum compila las obras seleccionadas en la convocatoria 2020 de miniaturas sonoras "La Llamada", organizada por el museo taller Ferrowhite y Bahía[in]sonora.


01. "Not used to using a microphone" / Iván Elezovic

02. "La Línea y la Cinta" / Mariano Chowa Ferreira

03. "HumanBreath" / Nicola Fumo Frattegiani

04. "Stutter Particles" / Panayiotis Kokoras

05. "Here is my voice" / Petri Kuljuntausta

06. "Las llamadas" / Gabriel Latorre

07. "Conversaciones cruzadas" / Joao Pedro Oliveira

08. "Virus (rompiendo el equilibrio)" / Sebastian Pafundo

09. "Black lives matter" / Scott Sherk

Released: October 11, 2020

Produced by La Llamada - Ferro White Museo Taller

Label: La Llamada

Format: Digital

Aa.Vv., 2020
S.E.A.M.U.S. records

SEAMUS Miniatures 2020 - Monophonics [Or

The SEAMUS Electroacoustic Miniatures Series is a semi-annual album release of fixed-media works addressing a specific theme per each iteration. This year's theme, Monophonic, teases out the ‘miniatures’ genre, inviting submission of works 3 minutes max. in length, that are created to be experienced in a monophonic format.
Composers featured in this compilation are:

01. Aine Nakamura - Space Sculpting
02. Robert McClure - Viscera
03. Matthew and Timothy Polashek - Monofilaments / A Fish Tale
04. Simon Hutchinson - Regression
05. Sean Hallowell - Sicut Cervus
06. Jake Sandridge - A Child, Planting A Seed In A Tin Can, Presses One Ear To Listen
07. Doug Bielmeier - The Beast
08. Stephen Lilly - Talk About The Weather
09. Nicola Frattegiani - Monoblock Noise Stream
10. Joo Won Park - Rebeber
11. Fabio Fabbri - Monodialogues
12. Drew Smith - Monophonic Study For Four Oscillators
13. Ralph Lewis - Drive To The Edge / 1620_AM

Released: August 11, 2020

Produced by SEAMUS Records

Label: SEAMUS Records

Format: Digital

Aa.Vv., 2020
Institute For Alien Research


Album dedicated to the radio.


The tracklist includes:

01. Die-Burial-Rot - Rigid Authoritarians Determine Indigenous Ownership [04:33]

02. Magic Bullet - Airwave Broadcast Channel Mast [04:33]

03. Shaun Robert - Scene 3 radio play element [04:33]

04. Fecal Point - and a thousand knobs began to rotate [04:33]

05. Optonoise - modulations [04:33]

06. Apollon23 - papas got your number [04:33]

07. Алексей Борисов, Mario Sakac, Ольга Носова - Radiobeethoven [04:33]

08. Claudio Parentela - le32spiagge [04:33]

09. Egone -  Channel Fine [04:33]

10. Ayis Kelpekis - earth signals [04:33]

11. Franco Falistoco -  RADIO 2020 [04:33]

12. Christophe Petchanatz  - UVB-76 [04:33]

13. Radio Noise Duo - Plastiglomerate [04:33]

14. Nicola Fumo Frattegiani - Contracted chest [04:33]

Released: July 24, 2020

Produced by Shaun Robert

Label: Institute For Alien Research

Catalog Ref: IFAR 4’33” 135

Format: Digital

Aa.Vv., 2020
Taukay Edizioni Musicali


At the beginning of 2019, the cultural organization Delta Produzioni issued an international call for electro-acoustic works. Delta Produzioni has over 25 years of experience in organizing events and competitions that have involved thousands of participants from all around the world.

The concept for this call for works was to examine acoustic material that explores the sound of words. The works submitted needed to contain the specific phonemes (not necessarily set to a melody or harmonized) of the language of the composers, in order to create a sound-fresco based on the use of the words and their elaboration. The acoustic material, selected by a group of experts from the 209 compositions received from 36 countries, is now available on CD.


The tracklist includes:

01. Nicola Fumo Frattegiani (Italy): Flos Asisium (2019)

02. Kenneth L. Field (USA): fifty seven one, for sixteen vocalists (2002)

03. Mattia Benedetti (Italy): Se Qatre Khun (Three Drops of Blood) (2018)

04. Yu Chung Tseng (Taiwan): Fluctuations Between - The Mutual ArisingYing andYang (2019)

05. Sergio Aarón Pérez Velázquez (Mexico): Lipograma (2019)

06. Chiara Mallozzi (Italy): ToTem (2011)

07. Dieter Kaufmann (Austria): Chanson (1971) - Text: Ernst Jandl - Recitation: Gunda Koenig

08. Francis Kayali (France / USA): Téléphone arable (2019)

09. Antonio D’Amato (Italy): Une Rencontre (2013)

Released: July 13, 2020

Produced by Delta Produzioni

Label: Taukay

Catalog Ref: taukay 167

Format: CD and Digital

Aa.Vv., 2020
RMN classical


The new release, titled “In Focus 2”, is part of a new editorial line created by RMN Classical to showcase brilliant talents and creators selected from the RMN Classical roster.

With this new series RMN Classical wants to build awareness around those composers that have already achieved remarkable results in their career and were awarded international prizes of notable importance.

The tracklist includes:

01. Michael Seltenreich - Trajectories

02. Marco Molteni - Barche Amorrate

03. Nicola Fumo Frattegiani - NOF4

04. Shuying Li - Weeping Bamboo

05. Juan Manuel Abras - Astor in Astorga

06. Per Christian Arnesen - Two Waltzes for piano: Waltze Friesé

07. Per Christian Arnesen - Two Waltzes for piano: Il decimo friesé 

Performed by
(in order of playlist)
01. The Mivos Quartet & The Jack Quartet
02. Emanuele Arciuli (piano) Emilie Cousin (voice)
03. Raffaella Palumbo (clarinets)
04. Erzhan Xu (bamboo flute), Noniko Hsu (concert flute)
05. Irati Sanz (violin), Itsaso Mungia (accordion)
06-07. Fernando Cruz (piano)

Released: July 16, 2020

Produced by R. Romano

Label: RMN Classical

Catalog Ref:  CLS200501

Format: Digital

Aa.Vv., 2019
RMN classical


This album, the fourth of the series, features all the winners of the Call for Electroacoustic Works 2019, launched to discover composers that use technology to conceive, manipulate and create new imaginative and unexpected sounds, music and compositions.

The nine composers who are featured are (in order of playlist): Leah Reid, Benjamin Montgomery, João Pedro Oliveira, Meghan Dineen, Daniel Mayer, Greg A Steinke, Nicola Fumo Frattegiani.

In an age where music genres and sound design become more and more blurred, the ten tracks include pure electronic works, works that mix acoustic instruments and electronic and works with voice, electronic and instruments. Each of the compositions presented offers a distinctive and clear perspective of today possibilities, making use of advanced structures, sound manipulations and various combinations of timbre and sound design.

The tracklist includes:

01. Sk(etch) by Leah Reid
02. Machine by Benjamin Montgomery
03. Dark Energy by João Pedro Oliveira
04. Evangelium Campane by Maeghan Dineen
05. Matter 1 by Daniel Mayer
06 – 09. Four Desultory Episodes for Oboe by Greg A Steinke
10. Banlieue cuivrée by Nicola Fumo Frattegiani

The quality of these works should excite and inspire the audience, the experts and the more curious alike, offering a view of the 21st Century electroacoustic music panorama, an intriguing land, vastly unexplored, rich of exciting sound investigations that hopefully many others will start to enjoy and follow, an art-form full of passionate composers and performers that can grow in size and popularity in the coming years.

Released: September 13, 2019

Produced by R. Romano

Label: RMN Classical

Catalog Ref: CLS190601

Format: Digital

Aa.Vv., 2019
Gràcia Territori Sonor


This is the album with the eighth global call for Microtopies. The Microtopies are sonic miniatures that shape a special edition of Radio Música i Geografía (Ràdio Gràcia FM, Barcelona), the weekly radio program by Gràcia Territori Sonor.

The aim is to make a sonic route through a map of randomly assigned events, since the pieces received have been included in strict order of reception.

This year have been received 69 pieces from 11 countries.

Now, we invite you to take this journey. You will enjoy the maximum quality of sound recorded by the authors. Don’t listen to them by your computer loudspeakers but rather plug them in a decent sound system or put on good headphones otherwise you will miss a lot of sounds and frequencies...

01. Selva Ciai (Buenos Aires) - Glctih 01:03

02. Germán Arens (Bahía Blanca) - La Puerta 01:51

03. Javi Álvarez (Santiago de Compostela - Tron) - Carl Sagan cambia, Carl Sagan repara 01:01

04. Ricardo de Armas (Bahía Blanca) - El sonido de una máquina no trivial 01:00

05. Subespai (Sydney) - Oest Interior 00:59

06. Domestic Tic Band (Barcelona) - M'agrada l' 01:01

07. Daniel Nàger (Barcelona) - Lets dance 00:59

08. Whalt Thisney (Oeiras) - Memoria 01:02

09. Dabú (Girona) - Pit Roig 01:02

10. Annika Francke (Barcelona) - Skejrs 01:01

11. Melisa Bertossi y Josafath Larios (Barcelona) - Nublado 01:08

12. Cristian Ballesi (Bernal) - Micropieza sin título 01:00

13. Earzumba (Buenos Aires) - Pacheuleco 01:00

14. Víctor Nubla (Barcelona) - Farewell 01:05

15. Balam Ronan (Genève) - Del Ruido a La Nuit des Bains 01:00

16. Óscar Santis (Valparaiso) - Grisalla 01:00

17. Carlos Delclos (Barcelona) - Top to the Bottom 01:03

18. Shoeg (Barcelona) - Metal 01:00

19. Juan Crek (Barcelona) - Peldaño 01:00

20. Pampa Niwe (Buenos Aires) - Poncho 01:06

21. M. Lozano-P. (Granada) - Llegar llegará 00:59

22. Kel Solo (Barcelona) - Low Fi 01:00

23. Marc Egea (Sant Iscle de Vallalta) - Petita fantasia per a una estufa 01:01

24. Xavier Tort (Lleida) - Un gra de sorra a Samandina 01:15

25. Fustration Fuchsia (Barcelona) - Di cotomia 01:00

26. Pablo Reche (Quilmes) - Micro Intervalo 01:01

27. Nicola Fumo Frattegiani (Perugia) - Breath Wood 01:00

28. Esteban Gonzalez (Buenos Aires) - Densidad 01:00

29. IOM (London) - Sigh 01:17

30. Josué Martínez (Puebla) - La Ciudad 01:02

31. Lluís Surós (Barcelona) - Bar Cañas 01:00

32. Jorge David Ortiz Trejo (San Luis Potosi) - 6 variantes 4 tiempos 01:00

33. rms i J. Savagge (Ciutadella de Menorca/Girona) - Petita disputa 01:00

34. Osvaldo Cibils (Barcelona) - Soundart24abril2019 01:00

35. Anki Toner (Barcelona) - High Gain Portable Setup (take 01) 01:00

36. Acoustic Mirror (Madrid) - Wait 01:00

37. Cristian Vega (Barcelona) - Prelude 01:05

38. Antoni Robert Gadea (Barcelona) - Muonic Leptons (excerpt) 00:58

39. Lili García (Bahía Blanca) - El retrato sonoro 01:00

40. Zero de Conducta & Pepe Ruz (Barcelona) - In the land of pain and grey 01:01

41. Alejandro Brianza (Buenos Aires) - Lobezno 01:00

42. D.O.S. (Barcelona) - Cortos de Bienes 01:01

43. Emmanuel Acosta Ramírez (Ciudad de México) - SssstTtt 01:00

44. Caps Quadrats (Barcelona) - SUICIDI 1ª part 01:04

45. Toni Algarra + D.O.S. + O.D.I. (Monistrol de Montserrat) - Carxofes al dente 00:59

46. Adrià Bofarull (Ripollet) - Ostructura 01:00

47. Edu López (Bilbao) - Trick 01:00

48. Finalment Fi (Barcelona) - Tirar avall les parets 00:45

49. Maoc'esttoi (Taüll) - regnaelsilencialescincdelatarda 01:00

50. David Mónaco (Calonge) - Deriva Nocturna 00:58

51. Carlo Mezzino (Barcelona) - Children's Home 01:13

52. Sofia Bertomeu (Murcia) - New Self 00:59

53. Stahlfabrik (Almería) - Onda Media 01:00

54. Albert Guitart (Barcelona) - El futur ja no es el que era 01:00

55. Florenci Salesas (Sitges) - Karmen Mirándome 01:01

56. Johannes de Silentio (Barcelona) - Tránsfugas de la honestidad 01:04

57. Agustín Guaraz (Buenos Aires) - Alterarse 00:59

58. Federico Bianchetti (Buenos Aires) - (In)comunicación 01:00

59. Escupemetralla (Barcelona) - Greedy Test Department 01:01

60. Severine Beata (El Bosque-Cádiz) - Humillación y estrella 01:00

61. Sustainer (Barcelona) - Poème num. 82 00:59

62. Sisto Palombella (Cremona) - Synpanblockion 01:00

63. Pesanervia & Iria Vázquez (Vigo) - À cette île 01:00

64. Abigail Gutiérrez (Buenos Aires) - Contra-poema 01:00

65. Gokce Akcelik (Istanbul) - Bizarrescape 01:06

66. Laia Claver-Nadal (Girona) - No tinc RIT-me, SOC SO (amor-F) 01:00

67. Evelyn Frosini (Buenos Aires) - Estudio para dos módulos de Buchla 200 01:00

68. How to Die Properly (Barcelona) - I can't get no 01:03

69. Natalia Schvartz (Buenos Aires) - Ici 01:00

Released: May 23, 2019

Produced by Gràcia Territori Sonor

Label: Gràcia Territori Sonor

Format: Digital

Aa.Vv., 2018
ed. Electronicgirlslabel


What will soundscapes be like in the year 3018?

What will artificial intelligence's long-term impact on sound production be?

What will the inhabitants of the New Planet listen to?

From outer space, a leap into the future is a new call for works by electronicgirls in cooperation with SubSculture Arts Festival, 2018 edition. The aim of this open call is to showcase a selection of inspiring works based on their quality.

Selected artworks will be diffused through public listening during SubSculture Arts Festival, Bastione di S. Sofia, Treviso (Italy) on 8th September 2018 and collected in a digital release distributed for free on (release date: 10th September 2018).

01 Sequenze - Nicola Fumo Frattegiani [06:22]

02 Herman Poole Blount - Mauro Sambo [04:42]

03 A Gaia - RadioNotturno (dalle fasce di Van Allen) per elettronica e flauti campionati - Laura Faoro [05:24]

04 Nature_Cracking - Julia Holzberger [06:54]

05 Machines - Johann Merrich [05:20]

06 Quantafelda - Jean-Marc Weber [05:36]

07 CLAIM - Giorgia Tammetta [05:54]

08 Mood Converter Machine - Bertrand Rossa [07:41]

09 Pink Cold Ink - Alessandra Trevisan & Solar Plex [05:17]

10 Seth - AMA [04:18]

11 Structura - Patrizia Mattioli [07:16]

12 Wave Leap - Gabriele Grotto [04:48]

13 Superstiti - Trionide [07:40]

14 Mantra Of The Nu World - Nevada [08:58]

Released: September 1, 2018

Produced by Electronicgirlslabel

Label: Electronicgirlslabel

Catalog Ref: DSStore_201809

Format: Digital

Aa.Vv., 2018
Octandre Electroacoustic Music

Retrouvez les capsules acousmatiques d'Octandre tous les dimanches à 12h12 sur Radio Station Essence (, produites en 2017-2018 avec le soutien de la Sacem (


Selected composition "Ropes, water and blocks" - capsule n°44

Aa.Vv. 2017
ed. Viaindustriae publishing


“La carta sonora degli Orti di San Pietro” (edited by Viaindustriae Sound with the contribution of Regione Umbria – Umbrialibri 2015 and 2016, in collaboration with the Fonoteca Trotta, the University of Perugia University’s Center for Scientific Museums and the Department of Agrarian, Food and Environmental Sciences in Perugia).

“La carta sonora degli Orti di San Pietro” was produced during UmbriaLibri 2015 and 2016, during the ninth and tenth edition of Manufatto in Situ, art and landscape workshop curated by Viaindustriae applied in the Medieval Garden and in the and Didactic-Social Garden of San Pietro, in collaboration with Fonoteca Regionale Trotta, the University Center for the Scientific Museums – University of Perugia and with the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences. The workshop hosted 18 young visual and sound artists and 5 visiting artists, from different backgrounds, who recorded and mapped, documented and reinvented the places of the three gardens and their social relations. The outcome was a site-specific live set, “Campestre, mimetica“. From this experience, viaindustriae published the first “Quaderno di Campo” together with an audio CD, as a prototype of an editorial series in collaboration with the Fonoteca Trotta. This mapping configures and proposes a more systematic regional intervention starting from the Carta Sonora model to outline geography of interesting “acoustic places” in terms of soundscape/soundscape/listening. On the cover of the editorial research, Eugenio Faina, founder of the Istituto Superiore Agrario di San Pietro, created from the beginning (1894) as a space for pedagogical “experimentation”.


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